Tuesday, November 29, 2011

JuiceIt: fun iphone ipad puzzle app

JuiceIt is a combination of Bejeweled and Tetris. Blocks of 4 come tumbling down. Tap on it to rotate, then guide it down. Match 3 in a row and poof! They disappear and you score points.

I never got into Tetris or Bejeweled, but if you have, then you should give this a try. David Formanek is the author.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Inakube: iphone, ipad puzzle app

Ian McColm and Brian Skidmore recently contacted me about Inakube. It is a transparent 3D version of the 15 sliding tile puzzle. However, the puzzle is completed when the 3D model of the figure is created.

One of my favorite mechanical versions of this: Magic Jack. Look for it on ebay. Those cubes were not however, transparent.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Puzzlers: remember to socialize with your family and friends this holiday weekend. Put away your ipad, iphone & ipod touch. If you cannot, at least spread the gospel of fun puzzling to them.

See you on Monday.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lab Mice Puzzles on Youtube


The good people at Mindware.com are responsible for the Lab Mice Puzzle craze that has swept the world. Watch the video. And think about holiday shopping. Oh yes, if you buy one of these puzzles at night, then I'll be making money in my sleep. Thanks for the support!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Aqueduct: great fun puzzle app for iphone, ipad

Aqueduct is one of the best puzzle apps. Object: move the tiles from the water source to the drain. The first 48 levels are free. I have solved them all. They range from super easy to challenging. I paid for the next 192 levels ($2.99) I did the next 75 levels pretty quickly and am getting to the more challenging levels.

The black squares can move and serve as rafts for the the tiles to transfer from one area to another. The full version has wormholes. The tiles that are yellow are fixed and cannot move. Definitely download the free version; you'll like it.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cubetastic: great iphone ipad puzzle app

Cubetastic is a great fun and free puzzle app. The object is to slide your man - the luminescent white ball, to the target. Your man will always stay on the top face. Rotate the other faces to get colored tiles on the top.

On harder levels, your man will start on a white tile and must transfer to a color changing tile that lets your man switch to, say, the orange tiles.

I have solved about 25 of the puzzles. Novel idea. Definitely fun

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Numbrosia: free iphone ipad puzzle app. Limited time free

Numbrosia comes from Amir Michail. He contacted me very recently about Numbrosia, Numbrosia2 and Numbrosia3. They are all free - for a limited time.

I play-tested Numbrosia last night and solved about 20 levels. The object: turn all the numbers to zero. Moves: slide rows across. Slide columns up and down. Add or subtract 1 to any row or column. Solve each puzzle in the fewest # of moves.

Is Numbrosia a great fantastic puzzle app? At first I said no. But I kept playing! So there is something addictive about this. Especially when you solve 1 puzzle in 48 moves and then redo it in 22 moves.

Readers/Play testers: tell me what you think of Numbrosia

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tripevo: one of the best iphone ipad puzzle apps

Tripevo now has a genuine 'Leaderboard'. Due to my interminable addiction, I'm at the top.

Tripevo is truly one of the best iphone ipad ipod touch puzzle apps. Trust me.

Friday, November 11, 2011

idescend: free iphone ipad puzzle app

idescend: the object is to keep your fish moving left or right to land on another plank. Similar to Fall Down. This is not a true puzzle. It's more of an action reflex puzzle. It's free and fun. Is this the best great puzzle app of the year? No

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stop the Press: This blogger was wrong!

Most esteemed readers:

I was wrong. I admit it and apologize. Let me explain. About 2 months ago I reported about a puzzle app called Doodle Nums. I played this app for about 40 minutes and determined that it was impossible to solve.

One of my astute 'followers' (no I do not feel like a religious guru) sent me an email with a screen shot that proves she solved Doodle Nums. Her name is Kara Sheftel. And today, I yield to her superior puzzle solving prowess. Applause!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

SpiderJack: free iphone ipad puzzle app

SpiderJack is similar to Angry Birds. The object is to get your spider to its web to eat the fly. Along the way, try to collect some stars. Your spider hangs by its thread. Let it swing (to collect the starts) and then swipe cut the thread so it lands at the web.

I'm not a fan of Angry Birds, so, unfortunately, I'm not a fan of SpiderJack. However, if you like Angry Birds, then definitely try SpiderJack

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

OpenValve: free iphone ipad puzzle app

OpenValve is a great free iphone ipad puzzle app. The object is to rotate each of the pipe sections to get the water to the target without spilling. Very similar to a previous game I reviewed: Plumber Game. Plumber game has 50 puzzle levels. OpenValve has 250 levels. I have don 59 of the 250 levels. This is a puzzle that I feel that I must solve all the levels!

Monday, November 7, 2011

17x17x17 Cube Puzzle: now a Guiness World Record

February 12th of this year, Oskar van Deventer presented his 17x17x17 Cube puzzle at the New York Puzzle Party Symposium. The Guiness Book of World Records has now acknowledged this officially as a world record.


I was extremely happy and honored that Oskar asked me to write a 'witness letter' to the Guiness people. And now it's official!

Friday, November 4, 2011

NumberGame: free iphone ipad puzzle app

Object: get the numbers in the correct order. This is done by rotating 4 pieces at a time. The cursor on the left allows you to select which 4 pieces will rotate.

Great puzzle app? Certainly not. But I did play it a few times. Getting the top 2 rows is simple. The bottom 2 rows can be difficult.

I first saw this puzzle app on a Nokia phone about 10 years ago.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kunundrum: free iphone ipad puzzle app

The object of Kunundrum is to get the colored balls to the colored targets. This is a tilt maze where each ball will travel as far as it can. There are arrows which can change the trajectory. There are colored portals that transfer only that same colored ball. Oh yes, there are gates which can be opened and closed.

We've seen all of these features in similar games: Quell and Blaxx come to mind. (See my reviews of those.)

The first 20 levels are free. Then it's $1.99 for another 80 or 90 puzzles. I'm not sure. But right now I'm stuck on level 97.

Kunundrum is definitely the right mixture of easy, medium & hard puzzles. Is this one of the best fun puzzle apps of the year? Quite possibly.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blockado Deep Sea: iphone ipad puzzle app

Blockado Deep Sea continues the original Rush Hour theme of getting your man out of the parking lot. Blockado Deep Sea is a continuation of the Blockado family of puzzles: Blockado Jungle, Blockado Desert and Blockado Mountain.

All of these puzzles are good! On some puzzles, the object is to get multiple treasure chests out of multiple exits. Some pieces have springs, magnets. Others are rope/coils and move like a snake.

Blockado Deep Sea has a good mixture of easy, medium and difficult puzzles. Importantly, there is just the right number of puzzle levels - so you can get a sense of accomplishment and say: I did them all!