Friday, September 18, 2009

ReVoMaze & Games Magazine

Look for the November issue of Games Magazine. There is a 2-page review about the puzzle.

You can buy the ReVoMaze here: and

These puzzles are compelling hard. Designed by Chris Pitt in England


  1. New addict to the revomaze. This is by far one of the coolest puzzles I've ever seen. I'm a long time fan of the wire puzzles, and the hanayama puzzles. Newer fan of the puzzle boxes and chinese wooden house puzzles. I have to say, for a number of reasons (durability, inability to see what your supposed to achieve, etc.) this one is near the top of my list. I've done the Green & Blue and have the next 2 on the way - cannot wait!!!

  2. How did you first hear about the ReVoMaze?
