Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lumi: iphone/ipod/ipad puzzle app review

Several years ago I bought a Nintendo DS in order to play a set of puzzles called Prism. In the last couple of years this Puzzle App Correspondent has seen several versions of Prism in the App Store. However, the graphics were very disappointing.

Fortunately, we can now say 3 Cheers! to the creators of Lumi. Lumi offers a good set of puzzles: easy to hard. And the graphics are super clear. I thought that 2 of the free levels were impossible. After an hour's thought, I got one of them. The other: one of my students discovered the solution. (I forgot to use the prism!)

Download Lumi. Try the free puzzles. Chances are, you'll buy the level packs too. Please comment, after you've tried it!

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