Monday, March 21, 2011

Beam Puzzle: puzzle app for ipad, iphone, ipod Review

15 years ago the Rubik Empire released a CD-ROM of puzzles. One of them was called Cover Up. Great, fantastic, fun puzzle concept.

Ferhat Ayaz has created 50 puzzles of the same concept, now called the Beam Puzzle. I have solved all 50 puzzles. It took maybe 2 hours. Let's hope he keeps going and produces another 50 levels.


  1. Yes, it is an excellent little game. I had earlier tried GaryGird (or Grid, or whatever it is called) Eminent Domain, which includes an underwhelming 8 puzzles (I found the interface hard too, so I am standing at 1 puzzle solved only).

    The game is also known as Eminent Domain and Four Winds (possibly other names too) after Rubik's used the name Cover Up. Even if I think that this puzzle does not stand out compared to other puzzles (Nurikabe, Slitherlink etc.) the original presentation by Rubik's Games which felt a few years before its time in terms of puzzle games makes me look at this puzzle with fondness :)

  2. Thanks for the names of those other puzzles. Will investigate soon. Please keep me informed of other puzzle apps
