Friday, June 24, 2011

Continuity 2: iphone ipad ipod touch puzzle app

Continuity 2 is the sequel to the original game published about 2 years ago. That original game could only be played online. Truly fabulous.

The object is to get your man to pick up a key and then to a door. Slide your man within each frame. Zoom out to rearrange the order of each frame.

Continuity 2 has all new levels. You absolutely must download this.

Ragtime Games consists of Elias Holmlid, Dmitri Kurteanu, Guy Lima Jr., and Stefan Mikaelsson. They reside in Gothenburg, Sweden and study at Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University. This team produced a fun, great, simple, puzzle app.

Read my blog entry for January 4, 2010 when I reviewed the original game.

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