Friday, June 17, 2011

Monorail: iphone ipad ipod touch puzzle app Review

About 2 months ago Glenn Iba sent me a promo code to play-test Monorail. Terrific stuff. Then I forgot about it. Now the real version is available. So I downloaded it. My progress on the puzzles from the demo version - gone.

But it's okay, because I spent about 2 hours doing these puzzles. There are 220 puzzles: yesterday I did about 100. The easy ones are fun! The hard ones are hard!

Oh yeah: the objective to to form one enclosed loop. Each dot must be connect to exactly 2 other dots.

What I especially like is that some lines are given: they are gray. The lines you draw are blue.

Monorail is truly addictive and more importantly fun.

Right now Monorail is free. Monorail was designed by Glenn Iba and Aaron Iba. Bravo guys!

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