Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mortal Coil: the competition

When I first started playing Mortal Coil, practically nobody had played it. I started my quest to solve all 400 levels. A daunting task. A couple of days ago, I was #10 on the Leaderboard. Then suddenly.....I was #11. Somebody named Addjoe raced past me. But I caught up. Yesterday, he & I were neck and neck for about 2 hours. I decided to let him take the lead again - after all, I had to eat dinner.

Oh, right behind us is somebody named Cookie. And Prof Tangram is about 40 puzzles ahead of us. If I were betting $, I'd say he'll get to 400 first.

I'm not sure if I have the patience to solve all 400 levels. There are other types of puzzles to solve of course.

Here's the Leaderboard. Feel free to bookmark it to see my progress.


  1. That is hilarious. I am ADDJOE. I am actually studying for the bar, so this game was quite a distraction to help me relax from studying. Unfortunately, after you solve puzzle 404, it craps out. I was poised claim 1st, but alas, there is no 405.

  2. ADDJOE, so sorry that I missed your comment! I had to abandon my hopes/dreams of becoming the Mortal Coil champion.....because I decided to become the champion of Tripevo.
