Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Full House: puzzle app for iphone, ipad, ipod touch Review

I received some 20 emails last night wondering why I did not post yesterday. Sorry kiddos, I had Federal Jury Duty.

Longtime followers know that I've been on a mission to complete all 403 levels of Mortal Coil. Right now, I'm at 306. Why am I mentioning this? Because there's a new puzzle app that's very similar: Full House by Charles Chapman.

There are only 54 levels, however, that's a manageable number to complete and still maintain ties to the outside. 2 very interesting features: a puzzle level can be solved using a 5x5 grid or a 6x6, 7x7 or 8x8. The solving pattern will be very similar.

Also, there is an auto element. Select the starting square, then tap in 1 direction. It will make all the 'must' moves for you. Note to Mortal Coil developers: definitely add that.

If there's 1 shortcoming about Full House: it's not possible to keep track of the puzzles solved. This is a must, so Mr Chapman, please add this.

$.99 is a darn good price!

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