Monday, August 13, 2012

Woodhead: puzzle app for iphone, ipad Review

Matthew Klundt, of Terrible Games, recently sent me a promo code to play-test his puzzle app Woodhead.

Woodhead is a sliding tiles puzzle that uses the principle of: a tile will slide all the way until it hits a wall or solid object. We've seen several dozen of these types of puzzles before. A favorite is Blockhouse.

Woodhead has some old and new, interesting elements.
1. The object is to swipe Woodhead to the exit and picking up jewels first. Nothing new here.
2. On some levels, Woodhead must first pick up a key to unlock a door. We've seen this before - recently with Snake Slider - but that's not a sliding tile puzzle.
3. The player must pick up blocks and pick up arrows and place them strategically. This I haven't seen before!
4. Spikes: some sections on the walls have deadly spikes. Ouch.
5. Sliding Bars: these act as room dividers.
6. Some squares can only be traversed once, after that, it's death. Double ouch.
7. Sticky Blobs: these will halt your progress in the middle of the grid. Also, Sticky Blogs can be collected and placed anywhere on the grid.
8. Co-Woodheads will swipe travel together. Unless you tap one of them to sleep; he'll stay put. It's okay for one of the Woodheads to die. Life can be unfair.

Before each puzzle is presented, a Fake Politically Incorrect Newsheadline is presented:
"Eccentric Street Wanderer Getting Increasingly Difficult to Ignore"
"Sandwich: Greatest Invention of All Time"
"Frenchman Polite to Tourists"

Woodhead has 55 levels. Of those, I've solved 47 of them. Does Woodhead make it onto the list of Best Puzzle Apps of 2012? Quite possibly. You'll have to visit my blog at the end of December for the award ceremony. It would be great if you could bring the champagne, chocolate, and cash.

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