Sunday, March 24, 2013

Islands Planet: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

Guillaume Ortega & Eric Caginicolau recently contacted me about their new puzzle app game Islands Planet.
You may recall that Guillaume Ortega made Akari 3D last year. It made the prestigous list of Best Puzzle App in 2012.  Such an excellent puzzle app game!
Islands Planet: this is a spherical version of Nurikabe from Nikoli press in Japan.  Each square is either land or ocean. No two islands can touch each other. Diagonal touching is okay.  There cannot be a 2x2 grid that contains only ocean. Also, you cannot create a lake that is enclosed. See the second image for that.
Below is an image of a solved regular Nurikabe puzzle and its solution.

Essentially: each number indicates how many squares are on its island. Islands may touch each other diagonally, but not otherwise.  Now look at the solution: notice that there are no 4 black squares in a 2x2 grid.

That's it.

Islands Planet has exactly the right number of puzzle levels: 20 easy, 20 medium, 20 hard & 20 very hard.  I've done all of them! It took about 2 weeks. I definitely struggled on some of them and had to restart.

Islands Planet is absolutely one of the Best Puzzle App Games of 2013. The graphics are outstanding. Most importantly, the puzzles are fun!

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