Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sporos: free puzzle app for iphone, ipad

Sporos is really good set of puzzles that are similar to the 8 Queens puzzle.  In the 8 Queens puzzle, you must place 8 Queens on the board so that every square is attacked and none of the Queens are attacking each other.

Sporos is similar.  You are given 2 or 3 'Sporos' and must place them carefully. Some Sporos point in all directions. Others do not.

There are 300 'Essential labs'.  I've solved about 100 of them. They go pretty fast, Though some are hard.

I was ready to move on to the next puzzle app, when I tried the 'Experimental labs.' Whoa. Those are more fun. In those, some Sporos are already on the board - fixed. You must activate them by having another Sporos attack it.  There are 200 of these levels and I've done about 90 of them.  These are a lot more fun.

I'm not crazy about the graphics; lots of people who have reviewed it seem to like them.

Sporos could make the List of Best Puzzle Apps of 2013. Wait and see.

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