Friday, December 27, 2013

BlockSwipe: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

About 2 weeks ago I saw BlockSwipe as a new puzzle app and thought to myself 'looks like another swipe puzzle'. I ignored it. Image 1 looks a lot like past puzzles, which are usually quite good.

Then about a week ago, I got a note from the developers asking me to give it a serious test run.  Okay, I thought.

Objective: You are the blue square and must collect the yellow stars and land at the bright yellow square.

The first 5 or 6 levels - typical.  After that, things got very interesting. Besides finding the correct route to pick up the stars and then end at the big yellow square, you must dodge fast moving gray blocks.

There's more!  Look at image #2.  See the green square? If you attempt to crash into it, you will bounce back rapidly.

Look at the third image. See the red star in the bottom left? It turns on/off every 1.5 seconds. You will have to traverse it. The white blocks are ice. You can crash into them once and they will crack. The second time, they will disintegrate.

The Red Squares (no image here) make you red-hot. If you touch another red square, you will burn up. Before you touch another red square, you will need to cool off by hitting an ice block.

I completed 25 levels perfectly. I was so proud, I wrote to the developers asking them to inform me right away of future levels.  I didn't notice the other 125 levels! Since then I've completed about 130 levels. I can't stop playing this game.

I love this game! Definitely one of the Best Puzzle app Games in 2013.

BlockSwipe is very reminiscent of The World's Hardest Game.  I played that about 5 or 6 years ago and gave up after level 25 or so.

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