Tuesday, January 21, 2014

'Colors - the Addictive Game': free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 2
Colors - the Addictive Game: is a topology type puzzle game app.  Look at the image: The object is to connect a path from one dark blue circle to the other dark blue circle.  You must pass over either: other blue circles, gray circles or circles with stars in them.  When you have succeeded, those circles will all turn gray.

Then you must do the same for the other colors.

About the circles with stars: if you traverse one of those circles, you will not be able to use them again. Even more: you will no be able to use any of the other circles in that path - if you used a star.

There are 100 levels. I've done all the free ones - 49. I was stuck on level 6, not really sure what the rules were.  Once I got past it, I did the rest of the levels pretty quickly.

Colors - the Addictive Game is definitely fun and original.


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