Tuesday, April 15, 2014

3Doku: puzzle app game for iPhone, iPad

Tired of Sudoku? Me too. But recently Simone Tellini sent me a promo code for his 3D version of Sudoku which he calls 3Doku.

It's MONSTER SIZED. The idea is to solve 27 Sudokus simultaneously. 9 in each direction.

Look at the bottom right image. All of those white dots represent numbers that have already been filled in.  Now look at the other 3 images: you will view those grids at the same time. So, if a 6 works on the x-axis grid, you will have to confirm/prove that it works on the y & z axes.

I solved 1 puzzle at the 'Easy - I'm just learning the game' level and it took a while.  A few minutes to figure out the controls.  Then I'd say it took another hour or so to complete it.

I felt the need to document solving it so I took a screen shot. (Am I being insecure? And why won't  BlogSpot let me copy and paste it so I can show the world.)

If I didn't have so many other puzzle app games to play, I'd give the harder levels a go.

3Doku is $.99.  Do it to prove your brainpower. At the very least, it'll impress your friends. Especially if they're playing that stupid Candy Crush game.

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