Monday, June 23, 2014

Stop Crows: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

Vasile Dediu is one of 10 people in the last week to contact me about their new puzzle game apps. That's right, this blog is becoming a job - an unpaid one.

You may recall that I reviewed his pure puzzle app Amid Worlds. I really liked it.

iPhone Screenshot 1

His latest is called Stop Crows. It's an arcade type game. All the birds will fly into the bird houses. Your job is to whack the Crows out by pressing the corresponding number at the bottom. You must time it accordingly, because if you're a bit early and whack an okay bird, game's over.

Right now, only 18 people are playing it via the Game Center. I'm #2 with a score of 99. The #1 player's score is over 300.  I should also point out that the birds fly slowly and gradually speed up.

Everybody should try this game: it's good hand/eye coordination. We all want to ward off Alzheimer's. Most importantly, it's fun for a few hours. Watch Vasile get a score of 295.

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