Thursday, October 16, 2014

Nexionode Lite: free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 5     iPhone Screenshot 2
Dylan from Big Round Eyes recently contacted me about a puzzle app game of his called Nexionode.
Your task is to turn the orange lights blue by making contact with another node. Essentially, it's a topology game. Knowing where to start and where to end is key.

At the beginning, all the circles have orange lights. You must change them to blue by connecting them to another circle.

At first, I thought to myself: just another topology game. However, These can be really challenging. For one thing, there are gray squares that act as obstacles.  Later on, the tiles are in perpetual motion and everything must be connected before intersections take place.  For those levels 3 things must happen: first solve the puzzle in the normal way (only in your head), strategize how to do, then do it lightning quick.

I have not solved all of the levels. I'm not sure how many levels because of the way they're laid out. I'm guessing maybe 125 levels. I was challenged and I had fun; that's the bottom line right? (Notice I used a colon there?)

Behind the puzzles, there is a science fiction story, but I didn't pay attention to it. If you've been following this blog, you know that I always turn off the music & sound effects - to preserve the battery.

Update 10/25/14:
Hi Tom,

I just noticed the review you wrote for Nexionode on your blog, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to test and write about the game, I really appreciate it! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it and find it challenging.

Also, I’d like to mention that there are two versions of the game, Nexionode and Nexionode Lite: The full game Nexionode is available for $2.99 and there is a free demo Lite version with limited levels for those who want to try it out (neither version has any in-app purchases or advertising). I was wondering if it would be possible for you to mention this in your article?

Thank you again and I wish you continued success with your blog.

1 comment:

  1. Technically, it is a semicolon, so you only get partial (semi) credit!! ;-)
