Friday, April 10, 2015

Rect Pushers: free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 2  iPhone Screenshot 3
Rect Pushers is an excellent set of 2 very interesting and original puzzle concepts.  Look at the first image. The purple & green rectangles must push the fans off the board. However, the purple man can only move independently right/left, while the green man moves up/down.

How do we get the top fan off? Slide the purple man 2 steps to the left. The green man will push him two steps up. Then the purple man can push the top off by sliding left. Needless to say, the objective is to push off all of the fans. The middle ones are the easiest. The essential puzzle is how to get the ones near the 3 corners off.

Look at the second image. See the green squares with X's? They are fixed.  On other levels, the red squares & rectangles can be pushed, but not off the board.

Boys and Girls: this puzzle app has another game called Fill Free Space.
iPhone Screenshot 4
Fill Free Space has the same feel as the other game and it's hard to describe. Look at the green and blue squares. Your task is to expand/grow them so the entire board is filled with a green rectangle, and a blue rectangle and the red squares. This concept is truly terrific and fun. I like this game more than the other.


I've taken a few screen images to show how to do level 3. Look at the green rectangle. Stretch it up and then to the right to push the blue square. Then return the green rectangle back to normal and reconfigure it to push the blue square upward.
Each game has 30 levels - perfect!  On Fill Free Space, I've done them all except for 1 level which I think is impossible.
These puzzles are very cool, complicated and fun.
I'd like to see more Fill Free Space levels and I'd like there to be a way for users to create their own levels.

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