Monday, August 3, 2015

Update on Value Maximum from Loyal Blog Follower Joel

I have something to add to your new blog entry about Value Maximum. 
This is a quite interesting game with unique rules. I haven't figured it out to 100%, but I think I understand the most of it. 
Here are some screenshots of the tutorial. 
You have to paste numbers from 1 to 4 on the grid. If there are two equal numbers in the same row or column, the numbers (and stars) between them will be added to one number, which appears at the place you have pasted your number before. The other part of the pair of numbers becomes a star. And if there are two stars in a row/column the numbers between them will be added in the same way as before (like the pair of numbers). 
After pasting a number on the grid, you are allowed to move one number to a star next to it. 
The game ends, when the score gets higher than the sum of the numbers (on the whole grid). 

I hope, you can understand my explanation. ;-) With this I reached a score of 73, which places me on rank 4 on the leaderboard.

By the way: I have send you a friend request on Gamecenter. I would be happy to have you on my contact list. :-)
image1.PNG image2.PNG
image3.PNG  image3.PNG

Addendum from Tom: I tried to copy those images from Joel, but could not succeed.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. I got to 147.. once you reach a certain point, there is minimal chance of reaching a higher score. Great idea, just needs some tweaking to keep the game going.
