Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hard Logic

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Maxim Urusov published Hard Logic last year and somehow I missed it.  Nobody mentioned it to me.
The object is to get the squares to the dark square dots.  It is not sokoban!

Look at the first image. If you tap on the square in the 3rd column, it will activate its gravity to move squares in its row and column toward itself 1 space.  That's basically it. However, when a square merges with another square, both squares lose their gravity powers. Unless one of them gets dislodged via a third square.
iPhone Screenshot 3

Very tough. This game really needs an undo button because it's easy to make a mistake and then keep making that same mistake. But I understand why there is no undo button.

120 levels. The first 25 are free. After that: $.99.  I've done about 50 levels. Not sure because I've been swamped recently with other very worthy puzzles.

Hard logic reviews from the App Store

Alright first off this app is difficult I'm not going to lie but it has built-in guides to help walk you through some of the processes and first few levels will help you develop a skill to advance to the upper level. It's basically a touch and items move type app where you have to use your brain and mind in order to decide what move comes next what is going to be the outcome and decipher between those to determine your next move. It's hard but plain fun and it will make you smarter.
True to the title

It's really hard guys. This game will keep you thinking for a long time. But it is so satisfying to finish that level you have been stuck on for a while.

Fantastic logic based puzzler, shame many people will avoid this due to the lack of amazing UI and or graphics, their loss really.

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