Friday, November 20, 2015

Foot Prints!

iPad Screenshot 1
Anas Najjar's game Foot Prints! is a game I almost deleted after  doing 7 or 8 levels. The objective is to get your man to pick up a key and then get to the green hexagon, which is the exit.
iPad Screenshot 3
I came back to the game about 10 days later and realized: whoa!  This is a hexagonal version of Pathz, which is one of the very best puzzle app games of 2015.

iPad Screenshot 4 
What's different:
1. It's a hexagonal version.
2. Some levels have a third man: the black dot. The black dot must also get to a green hexagon, but as he travels, he blacks out his foot prints.
3. The half-orange/half-blue man! Hate this guy!  He shows up around level 34. But at level 36, that's when you realize how annoying he is. I won't tell you what he does.
4.  Level 44 took me forever - I was overthinking it.
5.  There are 50 levels and according to Anas, I'm the first person to do them all.

I initially contacted Anas because my ipad 2 software version 8.4 found a bug. He responded that he's going to fix it and added 'I checked your blog, I was really speechless from the amount of puzzles you had solved  and reviewed  over the last 6 years ! Very happy that my game will be in such a great blog. Thank you again.'

Anas, we puzzlers thank you for making a fun, challenging game. (The 8.4 bug has been fixed.)!/id1045466163?mt=8

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