Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Illusion Maze

Capture d’écran iPhone 1                    Capture d’écran iPhone 2
Illusion Maze may be a bare bones puzzle app. But it is decidedly charming. The object is to get to the yellow square.
Capture d’écran iPhone 3                          Capture d’écran iPhone 5
There are 30 levels and the object in each is to get to the yellow square. The designs themselves are quite good. I did them all in about 1 hour.

There are 30 levels.  Not sure if this game is completely original, or even partly original.  There's another game called Hocus that's very similar.



  1. Not actually having played Hocus, I don't know how similar the two are except in concept; I'm not sure if they have the same levels (though it doesn't seem like it). However, this app isn't exactly the best-designed in terms of interface.

  2. Looks like a pure Hocus copy... I did almost all of them... The ones shown here are identical to Hocus, and as far as I can see Hocus came first. I haven't tried Illusion Maze, but Hocus is nice and relaxing... Not hard, but relaxing (sort of "Monument Valley Light"; not nearly the complexity or levels of thinking, but still nice...). Interface in Hocus is nice and simple too.
