Friday, January 22, 2016

About Love, Hate and the Other Ones: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad and PC and Mac

iPhone Screenshot 1
About 2 weeks ago Apps Gone Free announced that About Love, Hate and the Other Ones was being offered for free. I had never heard of it.
iPhone Screenshot 2
The objective is to get either Love (Flower on top) or Hate (horns), to push the red button.  Love has the power to attract the little Green Men toward it.  Hate has the power to repel them.

iPhone Screenshot 3
There have been other games with similar themes - jumping around or stacking objects using sokoban concepts. This game is not very hard, but the graphics and gameplay are well worth your time.
iPhone Screenshot 4
Who are the 'Other Ones'?.
'The thing that looks like a walkie talkie': If either Love or Hate click on it, they will swap places with the walkie talkie.

The Fan that propels Love and Hate upward.

The Ghost Man. When Hate zaps him, he shrivels up. When Love sends out her love, the Ghost Man pops back up. The Ghost Man never travels.
The X Man cannot be moved by either Love or Hate.

The Red Hat Guy. He pops up at level 61. He's a pesky one. He knows how to deal the X Man.

There are 80 levels, not 70 as indicated in the last image.  At the moment, I'm stuck on 65.

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