Monday, July 11, 2016

Rows Deluxe by Nickolaos Kechagias

Do you remember my review of Rows Free from 2012? It's a great point scoring puzzle app that can be played for hours if done carefully.
The new version is called Rows Deluxe and it's basically the same thing except you have certain powers - located at the right.  At any point, you can use those powers to zap out: all the tiles with  a specific color, or shape, or number.  Or just zap out a single tile.

Another difference from the original game: there are levels. As I understand it, after you make 20 or 25 sets, the entire board is wiped out.  Which makes this even easier than before.

I have not played this game, because I know how long it takes. It requires patience, which I lack. Besides, I have to play test dozens of other new puzzle apps.

The strategy I used to keep the game going and going: just go for the 100 point sets.  Occasionally go for the 800 point sets. Never try for 19,200 - unless you want your game to end.

Correction: I did play this game once.

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