Friday, September 9, 2016

Snakebird by Noumenon Games Free

iPhone Screenshot 1
Loyal Blog Followers Daniel and Joel and others have sung high praise for Snakebird.
iPhone Screenshot 4
The object is to get your snake/snakes to stretch out and get to the rainbow hole.
iPhone Screenshot 3
I have not solved many levels. Each one takes a lot of time, which I don't necessarily have to devote to a single game. Nevertheless, each level that I did solve had a fun 'aha' moment. If could focus on just 1 game for a month, it's be Snakebird. It's excellent.

1 comment:

  1. Bought this game the day it came out, loved loved loved it. Still not at the end of the game, but it really is super clever. Like you said, it does need extended periods of concentration though.
