Thursday, April 28, 2022

Book Review? The Puzzler by A.J. Jacobs


Last night I attended a Publishing Party for my puzzle friend A.J. Jacobs.  It was attended mostly by people in the publishing industry but a few core puzzlers also came.

A.J. Jacobs is funny!  I read his introduction on the train home.  I also skimmed what I think is the most important chapter: Rubik's Cubes & Variations.  I particularly liked page 39!

A.J. had very ambitious goals: there's a lot of history, a lot of new puzzles, and a lot of 'story'.  This is not the type of book to pore through in a week. Rather, it needs to be savored.

At the publishing party, there was a cake with icing depicting a Rubik's Cube. Yum. I had seconds.

Judith Newman of the NY Times wrote a great review.

I think this book is going to turn many semi-puzzlers into hard-core puzzlers.

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