Saturday, October 17, 2009

Master Pyramorphinx

I've had my eye on getting this puzzle for more than 15 years. Finally, it is made available at

It's challenging! However, this Mechanical Puzzle Expert was able to decode it and come up with a solving algorithm. However, this puzzle can be JUMBLED. I did jumble it, and resorted to taking it apart.

What is JUMBLING? Jumbling is when you make a half turn, and then continue. So in this instance, a corner piece could be moved to an edge or center piece.

Jethro Tull wrote a song about this puzzle concept called Bungle in the Jumble. Most people thought he said Jungle.


  1. I have one of these, and in some sense I think it works IDENTICALLY to a standard Rubik's cube!! The 6 edges with 2 colors on them translate to the corners of the equivalent Rubik's cube. Despite this, I get lost very quickly trying to keep these "corners" identified and solving it as I know for a Rubik's cube. The only way I have been able to "solve" it is by taking it apart!!

  2. I have the same problem with the Pyramorphix which is really a 2x2x2 cube. But I would suggest not to take that apart - the internal mechanism might break.
