Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Microxylometagrabologist

Allan Boardman is the world's greatest Microxylometagrabologist. He specializes in making the tiniest interlocking puzzles. Check out the 3 piece Burr resting on FDR's nose. I believe Allan has attended all but 1 of the 29 International Puzzle Parties. (I've attended 9, by contrast.)

So, go buy his book!

Games Magazine (Sept 2006) has a 2-page article about Allan Boardman. Maybe you can buy an old copy by contacting the magazine. Or check ebay. If that fails, contact me.


  1. Those puzzles are amazing! But I'm curious: "Boardman" is such an apt name for a professional woodworker, is it a pseudonym?

  2. I feared the book was about making tiny puzzles, but this is not the case. Looks like an excellent book!!

    Can that puzzle on the dime really be taken apart? With tweesers, or how exactly?

  3. When Allan Boardman makes a microscopic puzzle, you can be assured that it's dimensions will be in the correct proportions. Also, it will function exactly like it normal-sized counterpart.

    Most collectors keep their Boardman puzzles in a jewel case. A puzzler needs much courage to disassemble them.

    One collector lost a puzzle - in his living room rug!
