Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Quench: free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1                              iPhone Screenshot 2
Monday I posted a negative thing about a pretty good puzzle app.
Tuesday I posted my disappointment at a terrific puzzle app that seemed to be a complete copy of another puzzle app.

So today, let me complain about Quench. It's another version of Lights Out. The world does not need another version of Lights Out. We don't need another version of Rush Hour or 2048 either. Or Sudoku. Or the 15 puzzle.

Puzzle App Developers/Publishers: if you can't come up with something original, do not publish your game. It's clogging up the App Store and people can't find the genuine good stuff.
Tomorrow I'll complain about something else. But I promise to be more positive on Friday and all of next week.

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