Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Very Bad Cube: free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1

iPhone Screenshot 3
The object of Very Bad Cube is to slide colored cubies left/right and never up/down  until same-colored cubes stick together. The puzzles themselves are terrific: fun, challenging and usually provide an 'Aha' moment. We've seen this concept before with Jelly Blocks and Denki Blocks. Both of those are outstanding.

Some fans of this blog have noticed that I focus on the positive too much. So now for the negative about this puzzle app. Many of the puzzle levels in Very Bad Cube are IDENTICAL to the levels in Jelly Box Puzzle Lite. It might be that all of the levels are identical to the premium version of Jelly Box.

Jelly Box Puzzle Lite came out October 1, 2014 while Very Bad Cube came out September 13, 2014.

The author of Very Bad Cube contacted me and asked me to do a review. I later contacted him and asked him about the plagiarism/theft. Who stole from whom? Or did they both steal from somebody else? No response.  I also contacted the author of Jelly Box - also no response.

What is the ethical thing to do if you want to play these? My opinion: download Very Bad Cube and turn off the wifi so you won't get the annoying ads.

Tomorrow I'll post something negative about another puzzle app. I'm on a roll.



  1. Look up Jelly No Puzzle by Qrostar. The PC and Android versions have been out a long time now. iOS version is in the works according to the developers.

  2. Thanks David! Here's the link for those who want to play it on their computer: http://qrostar.skr.jp/index.cgi?page=jelly&lang=en
