Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Random Things

iPhone Screenshot 1 iPhone Screenshot 2
Zippers Lite is exactly like Flow. However, the animation of the zipper is really quite cool. The full version has 2500 levels.

Pinball Sniper - I've increased my top score to 566 which places me 82 out of 803,855.  That achievement, and $2.75, gets me a ride on the subway.

Double Juggle - I've increased my score to almost 150.

Maze 11 - I've completed all but 2 levels in the 6x6 series. I think they may be impossible, but it's virtually impossible to contact the developer.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought some levels of Maze 11 are impossible, but being a bit on the obsessive side, manage in the end to complete all the 6x6 levels.
