Friday, October 25, 2019

One Line Weekly by Marcelo Pars FREE

 Marcelo Pars recently contacted me about his new puzzle game One Line Weekly

I'm a big fan of Marcelo's puzzles. See my reviews of his other games below.

The objective of One Line Weekly is to tap on the line segments to make one very long connection.

When I opened the app on my ipad, I was floored.  GIGANTIC AND OVERWHELMING. It's also very hard.  I've tried at least 5 times.....I had to give up.  It's just too big.

But you should definitely download this and see for yourself.  Most importantly, if you do solve 1 level, take a screen shot and send it to me. 

Interesting review and response from the App Store:


Pointless and not fun

Where is the fun? And why does this start with one huge giant puzzle? Where is the slow ramp up in difficulty? No thanks.

Developer Response,

Thanks ToxicCheese. I can see your point but maybe I can explain my motivation for making this game. It was my wife's "longing" for the Sudoku in the Saturday newspaper. She can't wait for this difficult but sober puzzle moment. I also wanted to make a sober puzzle game (no color, no sound, no ads, no in-app-purchase) with a constant level of difficulty a puzzler can count on.
I'm taking a risk now, but I also made other games like this one (Loop Loop and Cage It!) which have the ramp up in difficulty you asked for. They also have color and a little music, so they are more in style with a "traditional" app. Maybe you can appreciate these games a little more than this one.

My own note to Marcelo:
All artists and puzzlers need to explore the boundaries of convention. I think your game will not succeed in popularity (like the vast majority of puzzle apps, sadly), but that's okay. You made something that is appreciated.  Like a Rubik's Cube with 33 x 33 x 33 dimensions.  Technically, not much harder than a 4 x 4 x 4, but a hell of a lot longer to solve.  Bravo for making this.

Marcelo's other games
Save Planet Cube
Cube Loop
Cubicks Free
Cage It
Loop Loop

1 comment:

  1. I like it. I can't say I've even come close to solving it, but it is a bit meditative... However, I wish it was a MacOS app, so I could play it on a bigger screen.
