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Sunday, March 19, 2023

Divisium - 3 by Vesa Timonen FREE

My puzzle friend Vesa Timonen hails from Finland.  He recently sent me a link to his FREE game Divisium - 3.  

The object is to put up walls in order to create cell groups of 3 numbers whose sum is 3.  Quite simple to learn.

Look at the image above.  Each of the 40 puzzles has exactly 1 solution.
Look at the second image that's almost solved.  Trying to shift walls to get that lone 0 with the other 0 & 3: quite difficult.  In the end I had to just restart it.
I think level 37 took me the most time.  Not sure. Altogether, I'm guessing I spent about 4-5 hours on all 40 levels.

Fun game Vesa!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Drop: Filler Puzzle by Pratap Rai FREE


Drop: Filler Puzzle comes from Pratap Rai.  The object is to cover all the black dots.  
If a blue ball has a 4 with an arrow pointing down, then you should place that ball on a black dot. It will cover that dot and the next 3 black dots going down.
Not sure how many levels there are.  Or how points are scored for the Leaderboard.  At the moment, I'm #2 out of just 9 players.  I've solved about 25 levels.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Suguru VLA by Vincent Lewis FREE


Suguru VLA comes from Vincent Lewis.  The object is to fill each region with a different number so that: adjacent numbers - horizontally, vertically, diagonally - are not the same.

Grid sizes go from 5x5 to 9x9.

64,000 levels - in case you develop a serious addiction.

I've solved about 20 5x5 levels and maybe 6 of the 9x9's.

Good game!

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Jerry Slocum - Master Puzzler & Champion Puzzle Collector

Jerry Slocum is a LEGEND. He's written numerous books on mechanical puzzles. He transferred his massive puzzle collection to the Lily Library at Indiana University.  And he's the founder of the International Puzzle Party.  I'm proud to call him a friend.

Monday, July 11, 2022

234+ Sliding Puzzle Game by Hung Do FREE


234+ Sliding Puzzle Game comes from Hung Do. It's a point scoring game that reminds me of the original Threes & the hundreds of clones known as 2048.

This game is different.  Each time you merge 3 #s - 2's or 3's or 4's or 2-3-4 in that order & direction - you score 1 point tile.  Those 1 point tiles have to merge also.

According to the Leaderboard, not many people have given this game a chance.  

Trust me, it's worth your time.  

Hung Do - great game!  I'm shooting for 200 points.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Logica Emotica by Bart Bonte FREE

 Logica Emotica comes from Bart Bonte. If you've been following this blog, you'll recall that I'm a big fan of Bart's. Logica Emotica is his latest. It's filled with a variety of puzzles.  

Look at images 1, 2 & 4: these are essentially 2 & 3 ball mazes where the monkeys have to land on the fixed objects at the same time.  Old concept, done with charming images.

Look at the 3rd image with the yellow circles.  This particular puzzle is a new variation of Sokoban.  The object is to push the yellow hands onto the white spots. First, it matters which hand lands where.  Second - and more importantly - Your Man - the Smiley Circle - cannot traverse over the same spot more than once.  All of these types of puzzles were simply great. The very last one, level 50, took me way too long.

Other Bart Puzzles:

Factory Balls - excellent
Boo! - a mini sequel to Factory Balls
Blocky XMAS - fun and at times hard

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

HOOK 2 by Maciej Targoni $1.99

Maciej Targoni's new game is called Hook 2.  If you've never played the original Hook, stop right now, scroll to the bottom, find the link, and start playing.

Hook 2 is very similar. The object is to remove all the sword without collisions.  But, the arrangement is now in 3D.

Other games from Maciej that you must download.

Up Left Out

Monday, July 4, 2022

The Next Time I Die by Jason Starr - published by Hard Case Crimes

The publisher of Hard Case Crimes sent me a free pdf version of The Next Time I Die by Jason Starr in exchange for an honest review.

I positively loved it. Our main character gets knifed in the stomach and wakes up in a hospital where things are different. The Star Trek episode Mirror Mirror comes to mind.

In the last few years I've become a big fan of the Max Allan Collins series called Quarry - also published on Hard Case Crimes.  Now I'm going to have to get Jason's other books.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

Slitherlink Weekly and One Line Weekly by Marcelo Pars

My friend Marcelo Pars is a prolific puzzle app designer.  He's got 2 new puzzle games that are very challenging because of their size.

Both games are daunting in their size!  I have not solved a single puzzle in either game.  If you do, please send me a note!
Below are some of Marcelo's other games.  I particularly liked Save Planet Cube.

Marcelo's other games

Cage It
Save Planet Cube
Cube Loop
Cubicks Free

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Book Review? The Puzzler by A.J. Jacobs


Last night I attended a Publishing Party for my puzzle friend A.J. Jacobs.  It was attended mostly by people in the publishing industry but a few core puzzlers also came.

A.J. Jacobs is funny!  I read his introduction on the train home.  I also skimmed what I think is the most important chapter: Rubik's Cubes & Variations.  I particularly liked page 39!

A.J. had very ambitious goals: there's a lot of history, a lot of new puzzles, and a lot of 'story'.  This is not the type of book to pore through in a week. Rather, it needs to be savored.

At the publishing party, there was a cake with icing depicting a Rubik's Cube. Yum. I had seconds.

Judith Newman of the NY Times wrote a great review.

I think this book is going to turn many semi-puzzlers into hard-core puzzlers.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Linko - Relaxing Loop by Kyung-Hun Kim FREE

Linko - Relaxing Loop comes from Kyung-Hun Kim. It's one of those 'rotate all the lines, curves, hooks & nodes within each square and make everything connect.
What I like about this game are the hooks.  

I solved 64 levels in about 45 minutes.  But that included time watching ads. Yeah, these are not hard. But they're still fun. 

I'm guessing there are 100 levels.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Meridian 157: Chapter 1 $1.99

Meridian 157: Chapter 1 comes from NovaSoft Interactive. The Prologue was free.
The mystery continues: you're on this abandoned lab on an island off Alaska.  Lots of 'point and click' things to do. Lots of puzzles which open desk drawers, safes etc.
Don't be a Puzzle Purist!  There are numerous walkthroughs posted on youtube. I was looking everywhere for a silly triangle block. I couldn't find it in the game room. It ended up being in the basement near the generator. Walkthroughs save you the time to find stuff.  In terms of solving the actual puzzles, it's still okay to use the walkthroughs.
This game is actually quite long.  I've completed the Prologue and now Chapter 1. So I'm moving on to Chapter 2.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Meridian 157: Prologue FREE


Meridian 157: Prologue comes from NovaSoft Interactive. 
It's a 'point and click' Myst-type puzzle.  The basic story is that You get to an island off Alaska and are in an abandoned lab.  Naturally, there are tons of little puzzles.  Interesting: you can set the game for easier/harder puzzles and with/without hints.
This first game in a series is free.  I've already completed this and Chapter 1, which isn't free.

Some of the puzzles are quite good.  Some exist only so that you can open a safe and find....a hammer.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Strange Case: The Alchemist FREE


I don't know who Labeledman is but he's made an interesting game called Strange Case: The Alchemist. 

You are a detective and your mission is to find clues, pick up tools and of course solve puzzles.

It's not a very long game.  Maybe 4 hours.
Look at image #3 with the crazy man locked up.  I was predicting, based on the unused shackles in another room, that I would have to drag him out of the cell and hook him up to the shackles and then pull one of his teeth.  Alas, getting a tooth from him was much easier.
Overall, it's a fun game. It's free. No ads. Well, I did pay $2 to get rid of the ads.

I look forward to other games from Labeledman.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Bikit by Leon Keeley FREE

Bikit is an outstanding puzzle app from Leon Keeley. It's minimalist, which means the rules are not explained.

The object is to get the blue & green circles to their targets.  Look at the 2nd image.  You need to find 4 points that make a rectangle.  Connect them all at once and all of the circles will shift 1 space along the rectangle.

There are 35 levels. The first hard ones are 10 & 11. 25 took me about 25 tries!

Bikit has a 'I get the idea right away' feel to it.  But gradually, you start to realize that certain actions will lead to dead ends.

Yo Leon: I solved all the levels. Then I paid $.99.  Can't wait for your next game.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Puzzlums Free


Puzzlums is not a hard game. The object is to slide the marbles to the correct ring & sector.
If a ring is complete, it disappears and then it gets much easier. 
I was not expecting to solve almost 40 levels. It's not challenging enough. But it's well made and is very relaxing.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Logic Wiz Sudoku & Variations FREE


Logic Wiz Sudoku & Variations has a wide variety of sudoku versions.
Each version comes with many levels in beginner, easy, moderate, hard mode.
My favorite version is Sandwich Sudoku.
It's free, comes with ads, but is very well done.   

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Milo and the Magpies $1.99

 Milo and the Magpies comes from Second Maze, the makers of Mitoza, which I blogged about this time last year. Here's the link.
Milo is a cat who has lost his way. Milo must get home by crossing the backyards of 7 or 8 neighbors.  Each backyard comes with its own set of unique puzzles.
The game takes about 2 hours to play.  $2 is cheap.
I heard about this game via the Rusty Lake people.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Flood It Extreme FREE

Flood It Extreme comes from Nowvista LLC.  It's pretty much the same as the original Flood It, which I blogged about way back in 2010.  Here's the old link.

In this version, the grids start small and gradually get larger. At the same time, more colors are added for greater difficulty.

I solved 32 levels in about half an hour.  It's fun, but there are ads - fortunately they last 10 seconds.