My instinct when seeing this kind of graphic - stay away - it's just for kids! Nevertheless, I got an email - spam, really, talking about how there are 120 levels and you have to get Croco to escape.
Here's the deal, it's a rectangular version of Rush Hour.

Croco starts on the left and must get to the exit. You have to move the obstacles. I did the first 20 levels and the program told me I couldn't go on because I didn't get 3 stars for each level. I don't know how I didn't get 3 stars. Nor do I really wish to go back to earn them. The graphics are a bit clumsy and I've already done a few thousand of these Rush Hour types before. There was one thing that was cute - when Croco gets tot he exit, he looks up at you, presumably to say thanks. Croco's Escape is strictly for kids.
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