Friday, January 29, 2016

Six Logic: Use Your Brain!

Puzzle screen on iPad, portrait mode
Loyal Blog Follower David Cole steered me to Six Logic: Use Your Brain! It's a pictorial logic puzzle. The object is to sort through the Row Hints and the Column Hints to determine which figure is in which cell.
Puzzle screen on iPad, landscape mode

There are 3 levels of difficulty.  The easy ones are good to start with to understand how the hints are written.  I've done a dozen of the 'normal' puzzles and they took between 9 minutes and 45 minutes. The 45 minute game may have been shorter because - after making a mistake, a time penalty is added.

I think puzzles are generated randomly.  Also, at the end of one game, I noticed that there were 2 possibilities for the final 2 cells. But there should be a unique solution for each puzzle. That's okay.!/id344058289?l=es&ls=1&mt=8 In Spanish!/id344058289?mt=8 In English

Captura de pantalla del iPhone 1
Six Logic: Use Your Brain! was originally published in December 2009. It's been updated a bunch of times, most recently in September 2014.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fastest Robot Solving Rubik's Cube

About 18 months ago I attended the Rubik's Cube exhibit at the Liberty Science Center in New Jersey.  It had a video showing the history of robots that could solve Rubik's Cube.  I believe the fastest machine did it in 6 seconds. Or maybe it was 3 seconds.

Well, there's a new robot in town that is blazing fast.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Continuity 2: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1
Continuity 2 came out 4 or 5 years ago, but I'm only now getting around to playing it.
iPhone Screenshot 2
It's the sequel to the online version (link  below).
iPhone Screenshot 3
Your Man must run left & right and pick up keys and yellow circles before reaching the door.  Where it gets interesting is when Your Man gets to the edge of a tile. You will have to rearrange tiles to resume your path. Where it gets extra fun is when Your Man leaps into the abyss.

There are 50 levels spread out over 6 'Worlds'. I have a feeling that 2 of these are impossible.  On one of them, I'm trying to make a leap from a small cliff and keep crashing into a spiked wall.

The original version was an online puzzle game and was simply brilliant.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Sam Wormald recently contacted me about his variation of Sudoku called Sudoku Maze.  It's not an app yet, but he's working on it.  In the meantime, one can visit his website and print them.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Cube Escape: Harvey's Room

iPhone Screenshot 2
The good people at Rusty Lake continue to produce clever, fun 'escape the room' type puzzle app games. Cube Escape: Harvey's Room is short & sweet.  You are a bird, trapped in a box and must escape. Definitely fun.  My only qualm is that when you're done with an object, a match - let's say, it should be removed from your inventory
iPhone Screenshot 3

Rusty Lake's other Cube Escape Games that I've played.
Cube Escape: The Lake  - short
Cube Escape:Seasons  - the best                                         
Cube Escape: Arles - historically bizarre

Friday, January 22, 2016

About Love, Hate and the Other Ones: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad and PC and Mac

iPhone Screenshot 1
About 2 weeks ago Apps Gone Free announced that About Love, Hate and the Other Ones was being offered for free. I had never heard of it.
iPhone Screenshot 2
The objective is to get either Love (Flower on top) or Hate (horns), to push the red button.  Love has the power to attract the little Green Men toward it.  Hate has the power to repel them.

iPhone Screenshot 3
There have been other games with similar themes - jumping around or stacking objects using sokoban concepts. This game is not very hard, but the graphics and gameplay are well worth your time.
iPhone Screenshot 4
Who are the 'Other Ones'?.
'The thing that looks like a walkie talkie': If either Love or Hate click on it, they will swap places with the walkie talkie.

The Fan that propels Love and Hate upward.

The Ghost Man. When Hate zaps him, he shrivels up. When Love sends out her love, the Ghost Man pops back up. The Ghost Man never travels.
The X Man cannot be moved by either Love or Hate.

The Red Hat Guy. He pops up at level 61. He's a pesky one. He knows how to deal the X Man.

There are 80 levels, not 70 as indicated in the last image.  At the moment, I'm stuck on 65.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Loop 101 (Free) - puzzle app game for ipad, iphone

iPhone Screenshot 5
SANG MOON JOO has recently published a slew of interesting puzzle app games.  Loop 101 (Free) is the latest.  The objective is to fill the board completely with loops. Think of a snake eating its tail.

Look at the image above.  See the red circle? Its loop must pass over the red square. It will then have to go around the blue circle.

See the orange circle? It can't form a loop because purple is in the way.

Oh yes, there are wormholes - and that's when things get more interesting.

I did all the 'easy' & 'normal' levels in about 45 minutes. I have not downloaded the paid version.

A more interesting game, that's very similar is Patchmania.

Sang Moon Joo's other games
Maze 11
Number Escape
4 Way Puzzle

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Side by Side (Game): puzzle app for ipad, iphone

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPad Screenshot 1
Guenther Rosenbaum recently contacted me about his puzzle app game Side by Side (Game).
The object is to fill the grid with numbers or X's so that all the numbers form one big cluster - connected either vertically or horizontally.

No two adjacent numbers can be identical.

Each number indicates how many adjacent numbers are next to it.

Grid sizes go from 6x6 to 15x15.

I've done about 10 levels at the 6x6 & 7x7 levels.  It is obvious to me that this game is a Labor of Love for Guenther. He's taken his time to get everything right. Everything. 

If you're still playing Sudoku, take a break and try this game.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Jhulo - free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 2  iPhone Screenshot 3
Seema Datar recently contacted me about her latest game Jhulo.  The object is to tap each circle to swing back and forth on its arc while avoiding collisions.
iPhone Screenshot 4  iPhone Screenshot 5
At the moment I've done the first 22 out of 100 levels.  I know exactly how to solve level 23, but getting the exact timing down is difficult. Jhulo is fun and it's free!

Seema's other game Zeroed Out

Similar to Jhulo: Hyspherical 2

Friday, January 15, 2016

RotoDots: free puzle app for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1
RotoDots is a dexterity puzzle app.  The black line rotates and you must tap the screen when it passes over the pink dot.  When that happens, the big central circle changes colors and then you have to stop the dial on whatever color matches it.

This game is way too hard for me.  It's a great concept, but the speed is too fast.

This game definitely gets its inspiration from Pop the Lock, which is simple but brilliant.  Winter Color Spin is another variation. Links below.

RotoDots is free.

Pop the Lock
Winter Color Spin

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

New York Puzzle Party

The annual New York Puzzle Party will be held a month from today: Saturday 2/13/16.

The agenda will include 4 talks/presentation about various subjects in the puzzle world.  There will also be a time for buying & selling & trading puzzles.  Most importantly, puzzlers can see old friends and make new ones.

If you're interested in attending, please contact me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

4 Way Puzzle: free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 4  iPhone Screenshot 5
Sang Moon Joo's been publishing some interesting puzzle app games lately.

4 Way Puzzle: you start with a black dot in the center and must build on it from the bottom, then the left, the top and the right.  When a cluster of one color occurs, you score points.

I'm not sure exactly how the scoring works, but larger clusters score a lot more points.  Also, if you've got a red piece on top of your emerging blue cluster, when that blue cluster is finally formed, it will disappear as well as that lone red piece.

The game ends when you cannot make a move.

Sang Moon Joo's other games
Maze 11
Number Escape

Other Point Scoring Games Worthy of Your Time
Four Straight Lines
Nineout II
BeeCells Lite
Kindly Colors
Domino Drop
Put Number
Triple Town          
Kindly  Colors    
Virus Pop Smash
+1 Number

Monday, January 11, 2016

Black Boxes: free point scoring puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
If you've been following this blog, you know that I like clever point scoring games that contain a puzzling element.

Black Boxes comes from Kevin McLean and Konrad Bajtyngier. It's quite good.  First, combine the pink box - two at a time - to create 1 red box.  Combine 2 red boxes to form 1 Black Box.

Next, combine 2 light blue boxes to make 1 dark blue box. Then 2 blue boxes to make 1 Black Box.

When 3 Black Boxes are lined up, you score points. If you can get a super cluster of Black Boxes, you'll score major points.

There are 2 versions of this game: the first: you are given a time limit.  The second, more cerebral version, you get 40 moves.

My high score is around 4600. I like this game.

iPhone Screenshot 4

Other Point Scoring Games Worthy of Your Time
Four Straight Lines
Nineout II
BeeCells Lite
Kindly Colors
Domino Drop
Put Number
Triple Town          
Kindly  Colors    
Virus Pop Smash
+1 Number

Friday, January 8, 2016

7 Park Puzzle: free puzzle app for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 5

iPhone Screenshot 1

7 Park Puzzle is a terrific new puzzle app game from von Kofokoo. It's very similar to Route Out and its successor Route Out 2. (Links below.)

Your task is to get the cars to land in their parking spaces.  You must place arrows to guide them.

The arrows are almost the same as the reflectors in Route Out.

Another difference is that in Route Out, you can place as many reflectors as you wish.  In 7 Park Puzzle, there's a limit.

Look at the top image. At the bottom right, under the arrows is a stop symbol.  A car landing on it will stop and then resume after the others have traveled 3 squares.

From a mathematical angle: in Route Out, the key to solving the hard levels with 20 or more balls, is to figure out the loop that must be created.  In 7 Park Puzzle, the loop can be intersected.

There are 72 levels and they can get really hard.  At the moment, I've done 54.  On the Leaderboard, there are only 35 people playing this. Come on puzzlers, download this for free and let's see how high we can get that number.

Route Out
Route Out 2

Perfect Paths is also similar, but much more sophisticated.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Floppy Petaminx - crazy!

You have to watch this video to see the latest in the rapidly changing world of twisty puzzles. I once had a goal of collecting them all. Then the 3D printer was invented.

Tomorrow I'm posting a review of a really great puzzle. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Winter Color Spin - free dexterity puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 2  iPhone Screenshot 4
Do you remember Pop the Lock? That's a fabulous dexterity puzzle app game.  Winter Color Spin is related.  The dial spins. When it's in the area of the same color - tap the screen. It will change direction and change color.

It's definitely fun. My only qualm is that the shades of blue are not as distinct as I would prefer.  Better to use Black, Orange, Blue & Purple. Just my opinion.

Brett Wharton is the author. Winter Color Spin is FREE. So give it a chance and get on the leaderboard.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Seky: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad Monday

iPhone Screenshot 1      iPhone Screenshot 2
Giovanni Columbu recently contacted me about his new puzzle app game Seky.  The object is to get the colored tiles to match the pattern.
The Typical Moves: swipe everything up, down, left or right.
The Cool Move: Double tap the center of the screen and the 4 central tiles will rotate. Great twist on an old concept.

iPhone Screenshot 3
A few levels are free. After that, they cost.

Monday, January 4, 2016

N16 - point scoring puzzle app game

iPhone 스크린샷 2  iPhone 스크린샷 5
Happy New Year Puzzlers!
Sang Moon Joo has recently published a bunch of interesting puzzle games. N16 is a point scoring game with a lot of potential. 

Combine 1's to form a single 2.  Combine 2's to form a single 3.  The game ends when there are no adjacent matching numbers.

How the scoring works

2 3 4 5 6
1 2 4 6 8 10
2 4 8 16 32 64
3 8 16 32 64 128
4 16 32 64 128 256
5 32 64 128 256 512
6 64 128 256 512 1,024
7 128 256 512 1,024 2,048
8 256 512 1,024 2,048 4,096
9 512 1,024 2,048 4,096 8,192
10 1,024 2,048 4,096 8,192 16,384
11 2,048 4,096 8,192 16,384 32,768

The numbers on the left represent the actual tiles.  The numbers at the top indicate how many matching tiles will be connected. For example, if you have three 6's lined up, you score 128. Interestingly, that's the same score as six 3's.

I'd really like to see a leaderboard for N16. Right now my best score is 11,834.

I've spent a lot of time trying different strategies. There's a certain amount of luck involved, as in many of the other point scoring puzzle apps listed below. But make no mistake: this is a game of skill.

Before I forget, I should mention that the new tiles added are done randomly. However, I have not figured out what the pattern is for the Highest Random Tile. For example, if the board has only 2's & 3's, it will not give me a 4 or even a 3.  When my highest tile was 11, I did see 6's pop up. Not sure about 7's.

If you manage to get a 12 or 13 tile, please take a screen shot and email me. Or leave a comment below.

Sang Moon Joo's other games
Maze 11
Number Escape

Other Point Scoring Games Worthy of Your Time
Four Straight Lines
Nineout II
BeeCells Lite
Kindly Colors
Domino Drop
Put Number
Triple Town          
Kindly  Colors    
Virus Pop Smash
+1 Number