U.S. Politics. the dividing of a state, county, etc.,into election districts so as to give one politicalparty a majority in many districts while concentrating the voting strength of the otherparty into as few districts as possible.
And: 1812, Americanism; after E. Gerry (governor of Massachusetts, whose party redistricted the state in 1812) + (sala)mander, from the fancied resemblance of the map of Essex County, Mass., to this animal,after the redistricting
Every 10 years, there is a census in the US to determine the redistricting of congressional seats. Some states gain seats, some lose.

There are 72 levels and they go pretty fast. I solved them all.
1. The graphics are excellent.
2. These problems could be made harder. For example: every district must be won by a color. If a district has 7 squares, blue wins automatically with 4. However, it could also win with just 3 squares, if the remaining are 2 red and 2 yellow.
This is a good game. It's original, fun and free.
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