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Friday, January 24, 2014

Buffalooh: free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1
About 2 years ago I wrote about Grooh . About 6 months ago I wrote about Colorooh. I really liked both games a lot. The same company has recently produced Buffalooh.

Buffalooh resembles Fling and Lunar Lockout.  The object is to bump the bison one at a time off the grid until only 1 is left.  Bonus points for you if the last buffalo standing is golden.  There are 50 of these levels and they're good!

Here's where the game is different from Fling: If the bison is going to crash into another bison's flank, he will occupy that bison's space.  If the bison crashes into him head-on, he will land in the square right before him. Finally, if he crashes into the bison's rear end, that bison will then gallop off in that direction.

There is another game within the app that is very similar called Coins.  Here, the object is still to get 1 bison left standing. The second objective is to have the departing bison pick up the gold coins on their way out.  Again, 50 levels.

iPhone Screenshot 2

Another version is called Happy 3. Here the object is to end up with 3 buffalos, but they must end up on specific squares.  I've done all of these levels and enjoyed them. Some are too easy though.

The fourth version of Buffalooh is a timed exercise. How many of the regular puzzles can you solve before time runs out. I'm #5 on the Leaderboard.

Buffalooh is definitely worth your leisure time! It's free!

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