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Monday, March 31, 2014

Symbol Link: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

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You may know Alexey Pajitnov as the inventor of Tetris. (I was never good at it.) Alexey has recently come out with Symbol Link which is very similar to Flow.  More than 1 person emailed me about this.

Here's Daniel Scher's review which sums up the 'Auto Complete' feature:
A Nice Twist on Flow

This game could really use a clean explanation of its rules, so here goes: Connect identical symbols in the grid by drawing paths. Your paths must not cross, and you must traverse every empty grid space. So far, this is identical to Flow. But here's where it gets better: If you can figure out a way to draw as short a path (or multiple paths) as possible so that the game can auto-complete the remaining paths, you'll score higher and receive more stars. When will the game auto complete a path? If it can travel between two identical shapes without ever having to decide which way to turn. So if a path contains an empty 2x2 grid of squares, the game will not recognize this path as one that can be auto completed. Remember, just because you can see the simple way to connect two identical shapes doesn't mean the game can.

I've played the game. I like the Auto Complete feature. But not enough to continue playing. However, I highly respect Daniel's opinion and know that some of you will especially like this version of Flow.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Amazing jugglers

These kids are so good at juggling they must be sorcerers

There seems to be a high correlation between jugglers & puzzlers. Click on the link to watch these guys do some phenomenal club-passing.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Black Hole: puzzle game app for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1

The object of the Black Hole puzzle game app is to spin the black hole to get clusters of the same colored stars together. When that happens, they disappear and you score points and move on to the next round.

iPhone Screenshot 3

I played this for about 20 minutes and got bored. Nevertheless, the graphics are kind of cool.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spam from Hamza Ghafoor

You may have noticed that Hamza Ghafoor has left some spam in the comments section recently. I have been deleting them, but he may turn up again. Do not click on any of his links.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Astro Mined: Galactic Bombsquad! - free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1

Astro Mined: Galactic Bombsquad is a terrific puzzle app game that combines minesweeper with sokomind.

Your task is to walk your man across a moonscape (the yellow part) and get to the blue circle. Each step you take converts that colored yellow square to the green/blue.  Also, when a square has a 1, that means that of the horizontal./vertical adjacent squares, one of them is a mine. (With minesweeper, the squares diagonally adjacent count.)

iPhone Screenshot 2

See the coins? You get extra stars for picking them up. Importantly, mines cannot be on those squares.

The Sokomind part: there may not be a path to the exit. You will need to push the gray squares (bolders) over those mines. Each gray square can go over exactly 3 mines before disintegrating. And by the way, you will often need that gray square to disintegrate.

The images here look busy & not very appealing, at least to me. In fact, when I'm thinking of my next move, the silly coins/fruit dance in place. Annoying. But trust me, this game is worth your time. The puzzles are quite challenging.

I paid $.99 for the full version.  There are 17 free levels.  Altogether there are 54 levels.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sudoku Adventure: puzzle game app for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1

Scott Maramo recently contacted me about his new puzzle app game Sudoku Adventure. Needless to say, it's Sudoku!  However, I must say, there's a funny animation at the beginning that's kind of cute.

iPhone Screenshot 2

Having done thousands of sudokus, I'm kind of tired of the genre.  Sorry Scott!

iPhone Screenshot 4

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Recently I've been watching CrazyBadCuber review some twisty puzzles on his youtube channel.

He's definitely a good puzzle egg. He has 463 videos to watch. Now you have no reason to say you're bored.

Chainphoria: puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

iPhone Screenshot 1
Amir Michail recently contacted me about an update to his puzzle app game called Chainphoria. It's pretty popular.

A serious puzzle friend of mine really likes this puzzle game. I see the attraction. But don't feel the game play. It's a chain reaction type game. It's almost impossible to see all the moves that placing 1 piece will occur. Okay, it is possible. If you haven't played this in a while, get the update.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

iceMazeAD: free puzzle app game for iphone, ipad

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Years ago I found and did all their tilt mazes. Recently, iceMazeAD came out. There are approximately 500 levels. The object is to tilt the blue ball to the target.  Note, the ball will travel in any direction and will stop when it hits a wall.

These are kind of easy. Most of them can be done in 9 steps.  Even the ones that require 15 steps are not tough.  I thought that I would quit & delete after 50 levels. Strangely, I've done about 250 of them.  Mostly when I'm taking a break from something that requires more thought. Those 250 probably took about 90 minutes. I tell myself that I won't finish all of them...but who knows.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Recent Twitter Conversation

After playing 1 game of Stickets for almost 3 weeks, I got a score over 3000 and moved into second place on the leaderboard.  Then I got this message from the person who is #1.

Mr Top Gnu@TopGnu Mar 7

My response:

I have retired from playing Stickets. Now I'm playing Threes! And am struggling. Check out Tripevo,

His response:

@LabMicePuzzles this sounds like subterfuge. I've got my eye on you.

Threes! - new clone

I simply cannot stop playing Threes! My high score remains about 27,000. My highest number: 768, which I've gotten almost 2 dozen times.

Recently somebody told me about this clone:

It's very similar. You only get 2's & 4's and must crash them into each other.  I played it once and got to 512 which is 2^9. I thought that was good. But I'm sticking with Threes! Sorry Gabriele.


Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!

Created by Gabriele Cirulli. Based on 1024 by Veewo Studio and conceptually similar to Threes by Asher Vollmer.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sudoku/Magic Square Challenge

A partially filled 16x16 grid is given below.






























































                                                                                GIANT SUDOKU 16x16
Fill in the grid with numbers from 1 to 16 in such a way that every row,every column ,every 4x4 box,each corner to corner diagonal accommodates numbers 1 to 16 without repeating any. Also,each 4x4 box is a magic square of order 4.