Here's what's cool. As you stretch your ribbon, it leaves behind a double colored tail. When you cross over your tail, the square's color trades with the first line.
More: many levels have Two Men, each having a different square. Which leads to very complicated swapping because One Man can cross over the tail of the Other Man.
There are also wormholes with optional exits - very interesting. And Erasers that will eliminate the tail of One Man.

Graphics: I'm not crazy about these.
1. Pillars are always the same color as Your Man. They change color with it. I'd rather they be black.
2. Outside the grid, the space also changes with Your Man. I'm guessing this takes up too much battery.
3. Music: I always turn this off for every game. For Twisted Lines, I have to turn it off every time I open the program.
All of those are minor complaints. This puzzle app game simply rocks.
Other Ribbon Puzzles
Ribbons Puzzle Game
The Weaver
Ribbon Puzzle
TAPES - similar to Colorbind. Excellent
Woven - easy
Colorbind - the first of its kind. Genius