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Friday, March 8, 2013

Pack A Puzzle: puzzle game app for iphone, ipad

Kasper Bøttcher recently contaced me about his new puzzle app game: Pack A Puzzle.

The object: fit the pieces into the grid.  We've seen this type of puzzle numerous times.

Here's what's cool: the rectangular grid will change sizes as you position the pieces. The final objective is to get them into a suitcase sized grid.  Very sleek.

Do you know the song I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane? John Denver wrote it and Peter Paul & Mary made it famous.  On the app store for Pack A Puzzle, they've changed the lyrics.

(I can't copy and paste from the app store. What's up with that?)

There is a Lite version of Pack A Puzzle. Give it a try.


  1. Pretty cool but after each level it wants to show you an ad. What do you expect for free, I guess.

  2. I agree, the ads are annoying. But the suitcase changing its dimensions is pretty cool.
