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Monday, August 1, 2016

Tilt: Quill's Quandry By Noah Rosenfield $2.99

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Loyal Blog Follower Joel from Germany told me about Tilt: Quill's Quandary. The critter in the images is a hedgehog, named Captain Quill, and he's dropped his hat down the hatch of his ship. Of course.
iPhone Screenshot 2  iPhone Screenshot 3 
The object is to tilt the shapes forward/back and right/left to somehow get the hedgehog down the hole. Important: if you tilt your ipad slightly, then only Captain Quill will slide around. If you tilt it more, all the tiles tilt too.
iPhone Screenshot 5
On many levels, Captain Quill must first retrieve the key, which also tilts around the deck.

Some thoughts:
1. Very unique concept. Positively love this.
2. I was definitely stumped on some of the easier levels like 18 or so. Every group of 10 puzzles: there's usually 2 that I struggled on.
3. There are 100 levels, which is ideal. Why don't other puzzle app developers realize this?
4. At the moment I've done 72 levels.

Other Puzzle Apps with a Hedgehog or a Mole (cousins to Hedgehogs)
Fruit Dating
Hedgehog Gardens
Patchmania Not exactly sure if the green character is a hedgehog.
Mole Rescue
DJ Mole
 Mechanical puzzle known as The Hedgehog
Hedgehog to escape game intelligent hedgehog Puzzle Maze Game board games This is a rolling cubic maze known as Intelligent Hedgehog by Oskar van Deventer.  I own one of the original versions made for the IPP. At that time it was called Moon Rover (I think).  Image result for hedgehog puzzle In this puzzle, the hedgehog has some room to pass over rocks and still get to the exit.

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