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Monday, July 31, 2017

Dots Pairs by Miguel Garulo FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Dots Pairs comes from Miguel Garulo. It's very similar to Oggoelement (see link below).  The object is to get matching colored balls to crash into each other and go poof.
iPhone Screenshot 3
The puzzle has that Lunar Lockout feel: objects will travel until they hit another object and objects cannot drift off into space.

There are 50 levels and I've solved them all. Which means they might be a bit too easy.

According to the Leaderboard, there are only 9 people playing Dots Pairs. Do Miguel a favor and download it, because it's free. He's probably spent a lot of time making the levels, the graphics etc. So many puzzle app developers experience this same thing: apathy.  It's a good game.

Miguel: if you're reading this - get rid of the ads that pop up in the middle of the game.

Similar Games

Even Up
Line's Life
Fuzzy Logic

Friday, July 28, 2017

Dotless by Dingyue Ban FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Dotless comes from Dingyue Ban. The object is to capture all the yellow dots within the allowed number of moves.
iPhone Screenshot 3  iPhone Screenshot 4
The images describe the movements. However:
1. Blue can move only 1 square at a time.
2. Yellow moves like a rook until it hits a wall or goes off the board.
3. Red cannot move, but acts as a block. Tapping on it removes it.
4. The Blue/Yellow square reverses all the colors.

There are 45 levels.  I'd like to see a 'Level Builder' where users can make their own levels for others to solve.

Dotless is very very good. It's free and fun and challenging. It's a little gem.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Flat Cubic by Sergey Shulga FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Sergey Shulga's Flat Cubic is solving Rubik's Cube, by seeing all 6 faces at the same time.
iPhone Screenshot 5  iPhone Screenshot 4
I have not seriously played this app. But it's definitely interesting and extremely disorienting, and I've been solving Rubik's Cubes since 1981.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Snaky Snake by Nicolas Pierre-Loti-Viaud FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Nicolas Pierre-Loti-Viaud recently contacted me about his new puzzle Snaky Snake.  Nicolas made Cubot 2 years ago.  That's a great puzzle with exceptional graphics.
iPhone Screenshot 3  iPhone Screenshot 4
Snaky Snake is more of a dexterity game. Still, quick strategic thinking is essential.

The object is to rotate the globe so that your snake will gobble up its food and then grow.  The game ends when your snake crashes into something or itself!

There are 10 different worlds at the moment. A new one will be added every week.

I've played through 5 levels.  My highest score so far is 41 in Shark World. Funny: the shark eats rubber ducks.

The unicorn world: follow the seams of a baseball.

The Panda world is the hardest so far. Crossing the bridges over the river is difficult. The world spins a bit too much.

I must confess, the sharp rotations to avoid obstacles can sometimes make me seasick.

I definitely want to explore the other 5 worlds though.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Make Square by Claudio Sassaki FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Make Square from Claudio Sassaki is a point scoring puzzle app game. The object is to place the pieces, 3 at a time, onto the grid to make squares.
iPhone Screenshot 3  iPhone Screenshot 5
At first, it seemed that this game would take forever to play. But as more colors get added, things get crowded.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Make Me Yellow by Peng Wan FREE

iPhone Screenshot 2  iPhone Screenshot 5

In May of this year Bart Bonte published Yellow (Game). Great little game.

I'm not sure if Peng Wan's Make Me Yellow is a clone. The concept is the same, but the levels appear be different.  I did the first 6 levels of Peng's game (stuck on 6) and then redid the first 20 levels of Bart's game. I saw no identical puzzles. But of course, there could be.

I emailed Peng to ask him about this. No response. I also emailed Bart, who said thanks for the alert.

At the VERY LEAST, Peng: you should acknowledge that you were inspired by Bart.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Zame by Squadventure FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Zame is a reflex testing puzzle app game. The object is to quickly tap the mirror image of the shaded figures.
iPhone Screenshot 3  iPhone Screenshot 4
What's interesting about this game: the hexagonal layout. I think that's why I can't just keep going.  Also, the mirror line alternates between horizontal and vertical. My high score, at the moment, is 19.
I emailed George Faraj, who made Zame, and his high score is 25.

Good game, good fun. Hey, maybe playing these types of games will help ward off Alzheimer's.


Friday, July 14, 2017

Pushing Machine (Original) by Rafal Roszak FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  
Back in December 2016 Ruslan Goncharenko came out with Push It. Sokoban Edition. I played it, but did not review it. I should probably go back and play it some more.

Rafal Roszak has created another version of this with 12 ranks of difficulty ranging from Practice to Impossible. Altogether there are 10,125 levels.

The object is to push the boxes onto the targets. The machines can push 1 box, or it can push another machine. Very similar to sokoban.

These puzzles are absolutely fantastic.  At the moment, I solved just 2 of the 675 Impossible levels. Each took me about 15 minutes. I've also solved a bunch of levels in the other categories.

1. There should only be 200 levels grouped into 4 categories.
2. There should be a Leaderboard feature to motivate people to keep playing the game, for bragging rights.
3. There needs to be a better Undo button.
4. There should be a video tutorial that shows how to solve a few easy levels and 1 Impossible level.

This is a great game and great concept. But it's unlikely that I, or anyone, will solve all 10,125 levels.

Push It, Puzzle Edition same mechanism, different objective, also from Ruslan Goncharenko

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Video from Japan

I'm not sure if I posted this already.  I saw this about 3 months ago.  Don't skip forward.  The magician steals the show.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Bubble Unblock by Mikolaj Gucki FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Bubble Unblock comes from Mikolaj Gucki.  The object is to slide the bubbles to their correct targets. It's a sliding tile/shunting puzzle app game.
iPhone Screenshot 3  iPhone Screenshot 4
The graphics are excellent.  The bubble creatures make eye contact with each other.

The puzzles are just too easy.  The first 25 levels - no ads.  After that, every level is followed by an ad.

These puzzles could potentially get very difficult, but so far, after solving about 65 levels, they're still too easy.

Bubble Unblock is really a good game for kids.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Triangle Flip by Code Handwerker GmbH FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
Triangle Flip is a unique interesting puzzle app game.  The objective is to get all the triangles to be the same color.
iPhone Screenshot 3  iPhone Screenshot 4
Swipe over entire rows to change all the colors.  That's the only mechanism. Pretty simple, but things get tough.

According to the Leaderboard, there are about 300 people playing this. I've solved about 100 levels. HRubasch  is #1 with 560 levels solved.

Friday, July 7, 2017

SuprinO by Denis Volchenko FREE

iPhone Screenshot 1  iPhone Screenshot 2
The objective in SuprinO from Denis Volchenko is "Adventure a little ball called SuprinO, that has an abillity to fly. Help him find his big Father ball. That's it."
iPhone Screenshot 3  iPhone Screenshot 5
Tap on the screen to make the ball expand and rise. Untap to make it shrink and fall.  Quite simple.

But the graphics are terrific.  The walls, ceilings and floors have critical angles and indentations that provide the dexterity puzzle element. There is no tilting the device.

There are only 27 levels with more 'coming soon'. I've solved them all.  SuprinO definitely falls into the Weird and Wonderful category.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

22 x 22 x 22 Rubik's Cube

About 6 years ago Oskar van Deventer premiered his World Record 17 x 17 x 17 cube at the New York Puzzle Party. I was one of the 'expert witnesses' who wrote a letter to the officials at Guiness to confirm that this was indeed the largest n x n x n Rubik's Cube.

Nathan Wilson has shattered that record. See for yourself:

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tumbling Cube by Yanak Limited $.99

iPhone Screenshot 1
MS from Yanak Limited recently contacted me about his (her?) new puzzle app game Tumbling Cube.  It's a maze game. The object is to roll the cube to its final spot.
iPhone Screenshot 2
We've seen this type of puzzle before. Tumbling Cube is good. The graphics are good. I particularly like the opening graphics.

iPhone Screenshot 4

There are over 100 levels.  At the moment I've done about 20.

I have 3 promo codes for this game. First come, first served. Just email me.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Jellyban - Sweety Sokoban Puzzles by Lu Quoc Man FREE

 Jellyban - Sweety Sokoban Puzzles comes from Lu Quoc Man.
iPhone Screenshot 3
The puzzles are not very hard. However, there is a time limit and a # of moves limit.  Generally, each puzzle must be solved within 1 minute.
iPhone Screenshot 2
There are about 125 puzzles and I've done about 60 of them.
The puzzles themselves come from David Skinner's Microban. Play David's puzzles on your laptop.